NobleSavage Informatics ( is a non-profit think tank dedicated to
to the advancement of knowledge and the betterment of the human condition.
This site is dedicated to philosophical and intellectual discourse on a
variety of subjects - to better our knowledge through sometimes passionate
discussion, argument, logic, acceptance and understanding. We must all be
participants in the rising storm of knowledge that is changing our world
today. This storm of knowledge is what is responsible for violence, unrest,
instability in the worlds markets and so much more. As the common peoples
access to the information increases, so to does the storm.
Our blog:
What makes us great is our diversity. And I, being only one man, am
seeking the intellectual input of others to better understand our world,
and in understanding, make it a better place for all of our children.
The greatest legacy any of us can leave our
children is the knowledge that we tried to make a difference...
What is the Noble Savage? Click
here to learn a little more....
When science is predicated on belief rather than the scientific method, does it cease to be science?